Life in the day of a University Student

Don Simon
3 min readSep 6, 2021

I was recently asked by my grandparents what my day to day “activities” at University were, and it made me realize — what the fuck did I actually do during those days?

So here is an example of a typical day as a University student in 2021:


Well there is already a dilemma here. You see, mornings do not exist at University. Unless you are a Fresher (first year) and its your first couple of weeks at term and you have lectures in the morning, chances are that either:

  1. You have woken up in the late morning, but have remained in bed and are watching Tiktok or YouTube.


2. You are still out cold from whatever (I like to say I was playing cards to the older generation) you were doing until the sunrise.


12:30 pm — Wake up.

1pm — Wake up again.

1:30pm — Forget Breakfast, order Burger King from Just Eats, or for the serious students, have a banana.

3pm — Head to the library after spending a half hour in front of the mirror checking myself out. I mean, you never know who may be at the library.

4:30pm — Working at the library. Or hardly working at all (haha). Everyone knows that if you actually need to do work then you do it at home.

6pm — Go to gym. You see gym is more important than university work, and it is imperative to spend more time at the gym than what you pay nine grand a year for.

9pm — Microwave meal. Very nutritious.

10:30pm–4am — Evening activities. These include meeting friends, going out (bars or clubs) or just messing around. These should take up the bulk of the day as this is really what you are paying for.

And repeat.

It is funny as even though my average day did consist of this routine (apart from deadline and exam season of course — and then instead of partying from 10pm-4am I would be procrastinating) I still would say Uni was worth it.

Not for the education as such. Although surprisingly I did end up with a 2:1.

But mainly for the experience. The friends I made, and the independence it brought.

There seems to be a ‘big difference’ between University from this day and age compared with back when my folks went. Back then they had lectures and labs all day, every day. It just sounded like a lot of work to be honest. These days with Covid-19 and all, University students have everything online pretty much, and even before the pandemic work was online and lectures were recorded, so there was in fact no need to actually go to them.

But there is always a ‘constant’. Something which is the same between then and the now and always will be present.

And this is the fact that University changes you. Makes you meet people you would never had considered meeting. Makes you make friends with people you never considered making friends with. And, most importantly, makes you become someone you never thought of becoming.

